“te amo”

Posted: March 8, 2012 in SilkenSounds

waterWater fascinates me. It is like a prayer to a troubled mind. It soothes my soul and instills peace. I must mention that I can’t swim! I am terrified even thinking of what I’d do if I were to be in waters deeper than 4ft without a life jacket .. nevertheless I can’t help but feel attracted to the sea. Isn’t there something really nice about the flowing water of a river and the sound it makes? So serene, silent and subtle! I always thought how cool it would be to record that sound then listen to it while imagining I that am standing right in the middle of a river! (a feat that would otherwise be impossible considering my literally hidden swimming talent!)

About a month ago when I was out on a trip with my family we happened to visit a little stream. I whipped out my cell phone and recorded the sound just for fun. I forgot all about it later and it was many days later when I was browsing through the contents of my phone one evening that I came across the recording. I heard it myself for the first time and was quite surprised by the clarity of it! I copied it onto my laptop and tinkered around a little bit with stereo settings and applied an equalizer to it, to bring out the crisp trickling sound – and I had a really nice piece of sound there!

I was already thinking of “te amo” for my next project by that time and I decided to use the recording in the track. And you know what? It fit in well with the kind of beat I had imagined the song would have.

Somehow this track and the recording have modified my taste. I want to be a minimalistic in selecting instruments and percussion. I want to incorporate more natural sounds like that of a cricket or that of wind flowing among the trees or the chirping of birds or the thunder and rain.. lets see how many I can gather and present in subsequent songs.. already waiting for the monsoons! Meanwhile enjoy this track.. really hope you guys like it!

Right-click and select “Save link as” to download the file

  1. lunarlady says:

    Wow !! Did you just download my thoughts from somewhere? The first paragraph is almost a word-for-word copy of the things I say to my husband when I try to explain why I have this urge to jump into the sea each time I am in close proximity to it….and BTW, I cannot swim either.
    Just heard your version of Kahin na laage man on your youtube channel…good job. I will check out the songs posted here as well 🙂
    You may want to try Abhi Abhi from Jism2…it is the most played song on my ipod currently.
    Here is a site you may like: http://www.rainymood.com/

    • Mitesh says:

      Thank you so much for your comment. It means a lot me. I havent heard abhi abhi yet but i will definitely give it a try. hope you like it as much as you liked this one. thanks for listening to the songs!
      btw .. loved the rainymood site !

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